Let our curiosity be re-ignited, about one another, about
the people in the building, about the neighbors, about the changes going on in
the neighborhood. Let us question the way we've always done things, and
wonder about other ways of accomplishing the same things.
Who do we want to be? What are the concepts of love, justice and wholeness that we want to
embody? What are the apparent obstacles? What are our assets, the
possible opportunities?
A wise person said that it takes three tries before you get something
right. We don't want to give up too quickly, nor do we want to hang onto
projects that aren't working as we'd like them to. We want to be light
on our feet, be able to shift gears - thoughtfully! - be able to learn and go
deeper, as the situation and our learning inform us.
A city is an organism, and like any other living entity, it can be
healthy only if all its parts are healthy. If people with drug problems are
ignored, then gangs and homelessness and crime flourish. If people with
mental illness are left to their own devices without care and safety, then
they may be picked on - even murdered; they may become victims or
victimize others. If people cannot find affordable housing and a network
of support, they suffer. If legitimate avenues for economic success are
closed, then people will find illegal ways to make a living.
A beautiful and accessible city contributes to the well-being of all its
citizens. A city with stable neighborhoods develops the kind of networks
that support people in good and in hard times. When people spend a dollar in a locally-owned store, the value of
that dollar is multiplied seven times before leaving the neighborhood.
Beauty contributes to health. When trees are planted, the crime rate
drops. When people have
some control over conditions and decisions about their neighborhoods, they
feel ownership, and take pride in where they live. Neighborhoods with room
for all levels of economic activity will be lively, interesting and enjoyable places
to live.
Our role as active people in a community church is to understand Uptown as a vital organ
in the body politic, and to participate with local people in helping the powers that be
recognize its value. Our role is to do what we can to highlight its existing resources and potentials, to find the
surplus and engage it for new use, to nurture the free
and caring spirit of this place, and to generate creative responses to its
Let's begin to dream together!